Sunday, May 4, 2008


I apologize for not being able to present you with any physical examples from a score -- simply because I could not find a score for this work anywhere. Lucky for me the structure of "Knee Play 1" is relatively simple and you can probably picture the score very easily on your own.

Overall, however, I believe that this is a very fascinating piece that not only serves as a "knee," but stands very strong on it's own. It is pleasing to the ear both melodically and rhythmically. It also allows you to close your eyes and conjure images of Einstein's life and thoughts. If you haven't heard Philip Glass' Einstein On The Beach," I suggest you give it a chance. You won't regret it.

I am going to leave you with a relatively irrelevant video -- a Lego depiction of "Knee Play 1." (PS - this is an older, alternate recording of the track which actually has a very beautiful violin line and added text towards the end.)

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